Faith Formation
Every Sunday from September to May, you may bring your child(ren) to worship. After the Children's moment during the service, they will go with the Faith Formation Minister and a Deacon to the Parish House classrooms next door for activities and a lesson until the end of service.
Childcare is available for infants through age 4 during worship every Sunday of the year. The nursery is located downstairs on the ground level in the Parish House. Our caring and nurturing staff have a variety of toys, books and activities in the bright Nursery Room to keep children occupied and smiling during the worship service.
The nursery staff provides adults and teens trained in the church Safe Conduct policy and they have all the supplies needed. The nursery opens at 10:00 and remains open until each parent or guardian picks up their child(ren).
Families and caregivers are welcome to have their infants and children remain in worship with them, or to join them in the nursery. Registration forms are requested to leave a child in nursery care, and caregivers will be asked to sign their child in and out each Sunday when their infant comes to the nursery.
Due to possible severe food allergies, the nursery remains snack-free but you are more than welcome to leave a bottle and diaper bag for your infant.
Sunday School
Sunday School program year runs from early September following Rally Day (New Beginnings Sunday) through early June and is led by the Faith Formation Committee and Director of Faith Formation from the second through fifth Sundays each month. The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday and children remain in worship with their families throughout the service. Youth, Volunteer and Activity registration forms are available for each family and registration forms are updated annually. New students may register at any time during the year to participate in the Sunday School program.